Category: Politics

  • Gay Leather Bar Owner is Running For Governor of Texas

    Currently Texas is being ran by mostly Republicans and Governor Greg Abbot. They are doing everything in their power to pass a bathroom bill requiring transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex on their birth certificate. Sadly, the majority of the people in power in Texas do not correctly represent the…

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott gets trolled by transgender activist Ashley Smith

    A transgender Texan has posted a photo with Gov. Greg Abbott to protest a “bathroom bill” that state lawmakers will again consider during a special legislative session beginning today. Ashley Smith posed with Abbott after he announced his re-election campaign Friday in San Antonio. She later identified herself in the photo as “trans-woman” and posted…

  • Medical Marijuana Bill #HB2107 Is Making Progress

    Half of the Texas House of Representative’s 150 legislators have signed on to a whole plant medical marijuana bill after a marathon hearing this week. Currently 75 legislators, both Democrats and Republicans, are listed as sponsors of HB 2107. The bipartisan House Bill 2107 authorizes “the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of medical…

  • Tea Party Rep. Steve Stockman wants Sen. John Cornyn’s Seat up against 5 Democrats

    Just when you thought politics were crazy enough there comes someone who sets new records in feeding the “tea party” circus. Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) who is known for his record of over-the-top extremism, an ongoing campaign-finance controversy, and his unfortunate “links to anti-government militia groups” in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing has…

  • Could Gay Marriage be Legal in Texas next?

    It just happened in Hawaii and Illinois now Lambda Legal is working hard to make it happen in Texas. In San Antonio two same-sex couples are asking a federal judge in to immediately block Texas from enforcing its bans on gay marriage. Mark Pharris and Vic Holmes along with lesbian couple Cleopatra De Leon and…

  • Senator Wendy Davis Redefines ‘Pro-Life’

    Texas Senator Wendy Davis gave a speech where she redefined the meaning of pro-life. Of course, it has the conservatives panties in a bind. It has to be the most authentic definition of pro-life ever given. It shouldn’t just cover abortion but all life and should not be so black and white an unborn child.…